An attempt to bring simple SVG Asset Management into modern browsers.
(uses jQuery and works in all modern browsers ;)

Step 1: Name the layers you'd later like to reference and export all your SVG files into an assets folder

Step 2: Run the jsvg python script from the command line

> jsvg --name=package --srcdir=assets

Step 3: Load the created package.svg*

<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jsvg.min.js"></script>

$().ready(function() {

            url: 'package.svg'
        .done(function() {
            $('#icon').append( this.asset.get('#icon-settings', { className: 'icon' }) );


// *you need to configure your server to serve gzip compressed svg files

Thanks for stopping by. If you like you can drop me a line or two.
BTW there's an additional README on GitHub ;)